Can You be Successful Without Going to College?

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Can you be successful without college? 

Quick answer: Yes, you don’t have to go to college to be successful—but skipping college is not the easy way out.


The number of students reconsidering the traditional college route has doubled, at least according to one estimate.

A 2022 survey of Gen Z high school students conducted by ECMC Group reported that 53% would consider alternatives to college. 

Today, more and more young adults are asking themselves if all the time, money and effort put into acquiring a degree would pay off in the long run.


Why People Are Rethinking Going to College

There are many reasons why individuals are moving away from this conventional route of a four-year college.

1- College Tuition Has Gone Through the Roof.

As reported by the Education Data Initiative, the average to attend a public university is over $25,000 annually, with private colleges easily doubling that figure.

Taking on a mountain of student loan debt doesn’t seem worth it to so many students.


2- The influence of Entrepreneurs On Social media

Across Instagram and TikTok, the stories of youthful entrepreneurs really seem to have it made without a college degree.

They show very glamorous lifestyles, speak of being your own boss, and promote ideas that any person should be capable of starting a business and making money.

And regardless of whether these stories are fabricated or not, this has motivated many young people to regard entrepreneurship as a fast track to success.

However, what social media rarely depicts or debates is that these stories of success are very few amongst entrepreneurs.

Related article: Should Entrepreneurs go to College?


3- The change in the job market

More companies are looking for skills and experience rather than degrees.

Fields like technology, which have a high demand for coding boot camps and self-taught skills, are perfect examples of how individuals can skip college yet land well-paying jobs.

Add to that the rise in the number of online learning platforms, and it becomes obvious why college isn’t taken as the sole way to success anymore.


What Are Your Options If You Don’t Go to College?

If you’re considering skipping college, there are plenty of alternatives that can still lead to a successful career. Here are a few options:

Related article: Trade School vs College: Which One is For You?


  • Trade Schools: Programs like HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work offer specialized training and often lead to high-paying jobs. Plus, they take much less time and cost far less than a traditional degree.


  • Creative Fields: If you have a talent for writing, design, music, or art, there are plenty of ways to monetize your creativity without needing a degree. 


  • Entrepreneurship: Starting your own business is another path to success, though it comes with its own set of challenges (more on that later).


  • Tech Jobs: Learning how to code, design websites, or work in cybersecurity are skills that can be developed outside the traditional college setting.


Other options include apprenticeships, certifications, or even learning through hands-on experience in fields like sales or real estate.


What It Takes to Be Successful Without College

While it’s entirely possible to be successful without a college degree, it’s not the easy way out.

In fact, in some cases, it can be even harder. For example, if you’re thinking about entrepreneurship, the challenges can be huge. 

Yes, successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Elon Musk often come to mind when people think of college dropouts making it big, but they’re exceptions rather than the rule.


Also, entrepreneurship is way risky, but it does have the potential for massive success and freedom of time and location.

And on the flip side, traditional careers often have a lower, more predictable income.

The path may also be slower, but it provides a stable foundation and fewer bumps along the way.


So, if you decide to skip college to pursue entrepreneurship, be prepared for a lot of self-discipline, self learning, hard work, and patience.

Building a business or thriving in a creative field is not as easy as people make it out to be.



So, can you be successful without college? The answer depends on what you define as success and how much risk you’re willing to take. 

College provides a structured path with plenty of safety nets, but it’s not the only way to get ahead in life. 

If you’re driven, resourceful, and willing to put in the work, success is possible without a degree—but it’s certainly not the easier route.



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