What Classes Need Notes in College?

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What classes need notes in college?

Quick Answer: Most college classes require you to take notes, but the amount depends on the subject. Some need detailed notes, while others only require light jotting.

Related article: The Best Notebooks for College Students


If there is one thing students might want to learn in college, it’s probably going to be note-taking.

It is crucial to helping a student stay organized when taking multiple classes. It also helps you remember important details, hence making it easier to study later on.


While nearly every class benefits from note-taking itself, the real trick is figuring out just how much note-taking each class needs.

Some classes do demand more focus on the notes being taken, and some do not. Let’s break it down.

Subjects and Note-taking

Here’s a list of 15 common college subjects and how much note-taking they usually need, rated on a scale of 1 to 10.

  • History – 9/10: Heavy on lectures, dates, and events. Definitely need detailed notes.


  • Psychology – 8/10: Lots of theories and case studies, so keep notes handy.


  • Math – 7/10: Formulas and steps matter, but it’s more about understanding the process.


  • Chemistry – 8/10: Requires notes on formulas, experiments, and chemical reactions.


  • Philosophy – 9/10: Complex ideas need to be broken down, so writing is essential.


  • Economics – 7/10: Concepts, graphs, and terms make notes very useful.


  • Biology – 8/10: Keep track of processes, systems, and terminologies.


  • Foreign Language – 6/10: Vocabulary and grammar rules are key, but practice matters more.


  • Art – 3/10: Hands-on learning means fewer notes, but jot down project details.


  • Physics – 8/10: Formulas and problem-solving steps need to be written out.


  • Computer Science – 6/10: Coding practices are more hands-on, but concepts still need notes.


  • Sociology – 7/10: Keep track of key terms and societal theories.


  • Music Theory – 5/10: Notes on concepts help, but practice is more important.


  • Business/Marketing – 6/10: General notes on strategies and case studies are useful.


  • Literature – 7/10: Taking notes on themes, characters, and quotes will help with essays.

How to Decide What to Write Down

Not every session of a class needs the same level of note-taking. Here’s how you can figure out what’s worth writing down:

  • Focus on key concepts: If the professor repeats something or spends a lot of time explaining it, it’s probably important.


  • Rely on the syllabus or handouts: If the information is already provided, you can save time and just jot down extra insights.


  • Write down examples or additional details: If a professor goes off-script or gives examples, those are often the things that show up on exams.


So what classes need notes in college?

Taking notes is a part of almost every college class, but how much you need to write depends on the subject.

By figuring out what’s important to note in each class, you’ll have the right balance between paying attention and capturing key information for later study.

Also, if your interested in learning proper note taking techniques, check out this article. 

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